Awards of Excellence:
St. Joseph Church

Year(s) Listed:
Location Class:
Built: 1922 | Year Saved: 2010
Contributor: Kansas Preservation Alliance

The existing St. Joseph Church is the third structure to be built at this location as expansion of the local congregation required it in 1913. Built of red brick and trimmed with Carthage stone, the structure is 46 feet wide and 130 feet long with Roman Renaissance and Gothic architecture combined. The Andale “Globe” featured the dedication day in a special issue: “Let us say a few words of the great work that St. Joseph parish and its worthy priest have lately accomplished. It is the building and dedication of one of the finest Catholic churches in Kansas…”

Tragedy struck on February 3, 2010 when an arson set fire to the Altar of St. Joseph consuming it and damaging adjacent plaster, stained glass and decorative paint. This award honors the sensitive interior cleaning and restoration completed by Restoration Consultant/Contractor, Robert Elliott, and General Contractor, Dondlinger Construction, stained glass repair subcontractor Hoefer Custom Stained Glass, Altar of St. Joseph reconstruction, Carpentry Innovations and smoke and water damage restoration by Advance Catastrophe Technologies.

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