Awards of Excellence:
1120 Rhode Island

Year(s) Listed:
Location Class:
Built: 1888-1900s | Year Saved: 2009
Historic Designation: Historic District
Contributor: Kansas Preservation Alliance

The building at 1120 Rhode Island, which was listed on the National Register of Historic places on July 14, 2004, is a contributing property in the North Rhode Island Historic District and a remnant of a block once known as “Merchants Row”. This structure is a good example of vernacular architecture cobbled together over time by property owners who had to “make do” with their building plans. The original inner core structure was a subsistence-level cabin with the first addition in 1888 and more additions in the 1900’s. The accessory structure, which has an importance regarding scale of alleys, has been returned to its historic use as a storage facility.

Long vacant and deteriorated, this residence was a contributing resource in the North Rhode Island Street National Register Historic District. The successful partnership between the Lawrence Preservation Alliance and Tenants to Homeowners provided much-needed affordable housing. Additional assistance was provided by Dan Hermreck, Residential Design Consultant, Kenneth A. Peters, Builder, Inc., Mike Goans Renovation and Repair, Dennis Brown Painting and Billy Construction.

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