Year(s) Listed: • 2012 |
City/Town: • Arkansas City |
Location Class: • Government |
Built: 1929 | Abandoned: 2007 |
Historic Designation: • National Register of Historic Places |
Status: • Abandoned • Endangered |
Contributor: Foss Farrar |
This 1929 Art Deco style office building is the tallest building in downtown Arkansas City. The structure served as the commercial anchor downtown for much of the 20th century. It was a hub of activity with street-level cafes and shops and upper-level professional offices. It is listed in the National Register as a contributing resource to the downtown historic district and is thus eligible for historic rehabilitation tax credits. Unfortunately, the building has been vacant for more than five years and suffers from neglect. There is strong local interest in preserving the building; however sufficient funds to meet the owner’s asking price have yet to be raised. The present owner would like to find an anchor tenant before undertaking any rehabilitation activities.