Year(s) Listed: • 2004 |
City/Town: • Wichita |
Location Class: • Government |
Built: 1910 | Year Saved: 2002 |
Historic Designation: • National Register of Historic Places (August 24, 1977) |
Awards: • Honorable Mention Award |
Contributor: Kansas Preservation Alliance |
Constructed in 1910, Arkansas Valley Lodge was home of the Prince Hall Masons, the only Masonic group that Blacks could join at the time. Purchased by the Urban Renewal Authority in 1974, the building was used for storage and by 2000 had become dilapidated making rehabilitation urgent. In 2000, the Sedgwick County Commissioners endorsed a plan to rehabilitate the building. Law/Kingdon, Inc. was the architect for the project. Dudley Williams & Associates and Don McMican were the Structural Engineers and Alcon Construction was the General Contractor.