Year(s) Listed: • 1993 |
City/Town: • Wichita |
Location Class: • Residential |
Built: 1886 | Abandoned: N/A |
Historic Designation: • National Register of Historic Places (1973) |
Status: • Saved |
Contributor: Kansas Preservation Alliance |
Photo from
Perhaps one of the best-known buildings on the list, Campbell Castle is owned by Maye Crumm. The 28-room castle designed in the classic feudal architectural style of Scotland and England, was built in 1886-1888 by cattleman Burton Campbell. It is the only castle-style home remaining from Wichita’s building boom of the 1880’s. The owner has tried selling and auctioning off the property in highly publicized events, but so far the castle remains unsold. The property was appraised in 1992 at $325,000. City staff members estimated earlier this year that to completely restore it would cost more than $770,000. The castle is listed on the NRHP.