Kansas Barns

Year(s) Listed:
Location Class:
Built: N/A | Abandoned: N/A
Status: Endangered
Contributor: Kansas Preservation Alliance

Historic barns are a symbol of Kansas heritage and landscape.  Of the first permanent buildings that farm families constructed, barns served a variety of functions integral to the survival and success of farms.  By examining the various construction techniques and materials that were used, these vernacular buildings help to tell the history of Kansas.

Vacancy, development pressures from adjacent cities and towns, and demolition by corporate farms are causing the removal of barns from the state landscape at an alarming rate.  The Kansas State Historical Society is undertaking a statewide survey of a sample of barns to create a multiple property nomination for the National Register of Historic Places, which will aid in the listing of barns to the Register.  Additionally, the Kansas Barn Alliance has partnered with the Leavenworth County 4-H to pilot a comprehensive farmstead inventory utilizing handheld GPS devices.  They are also working to promote reuse ideas and to highlight the need for rehabilitation incentives for barns through their newsletter and annual conference.

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