Phillipena Strasser House

Year(s) Listed:
Location Class:
Built: 1874 | Abandoned: ~2008
Historic Designation: National Register of Historic Places (07-06-2010) Register of Historic Kansas Places
Status: Saved
Contributor: Kansas Preservation Alliance

Commissioned to be built in 1874 by widow Phillipena Strasser, the Strasser House is the second oldest house in Manhattan’s Ward 2 and one of few surviving examples of stone residences in the city. In an agreement with the City of Manhattan, the Strasser House will remain at its current location though the surrounding context of homes and farmland has long been lost. The Strasser House has been vacant for over a year and is in danger of demolition by neglect. Though is good condition, funds must be raised for repairs to the roof, windows and foundation. Adaptive use into office or retail space would serve this property well as it is surrounded by commercial zoning.

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