Year(s) Listed: • 1998 • 2000 |
City/Town: • Junction City |
Location Class: • Hotel/Motel |
Built: 1880 | Abandoned: N/A |
Historic Designation: • National Register of Historic Places (December 1, 1980) |
Status: • Saved (2008) |
Contributor: Kansas Preservation Alliance |
Featured Image from:
2000 Update:
This National Register property is an 1880 hotel at the main intersection of the city. During it’s life it has been home to many famous and infamous guests and served as the social center of the community for many years. It is currently facing demolition unless funds can be raised to renovate the building for new use. The Kansas Preservation Alliance, Inc., is in a lawsuit over the demolition of the property.
Update: The Alliance is working with local residents to save the Bartell House and negotiations are underway for the purchase and future restoration of the building.
The old hotel was saved in 2008 by Homestead’s rehabilitation and conversion of the building into much needed senior housing.
Homestead was awarded the Excellence Medallion from the Kansas Preservation Alliance for the rehabilitation of the Bartell.